Tuesday, July 12, 2011


huhuhuh I'm back..
nak ckp per lagi yer.. cam bese la ari nie klas,,,, esok same luse pown same la kan.,..
aku ase cam 2 la idop aku tok 3 taon nie.. huhuhhuh selamat 3 taon..
aku ase nak cite sal impian la kowt...
i have a dream...
my dream is... to be one of the most useful people in my family of couse...
they are the best people that i never seen before... they are my life..
first of all, i want to be some one that has same thing in an office.. than
cam bese la kan.... de la duit nak baya blk kat mak n ayah.. than nak bg ayah ngan mak betambah senang la kan..
cedih plk... huhuhuhuhuhhuhuhu
mak.. kaka\cik syg mak sgt nk sgt balas jase mak ayah... klu k.cik x sempat adik tlong wat per yg ptot.. tros kan per yg aku wat nie eh...
aku syg korang... along,, bnyk tlong k.cik.. i really apprised this....
all over this thing..
ur luv.. same like others,,... k.lang.. u is my base frend ever,..
mmng la kdang2 MENJENGKEL  kan... tp i luv u more.... u is the best sis and frend....
adik?? x mnje langsong
tp aku syg ko sgt tau.. ingt ko harapan ayah n mak gak.. bkn k.cik jer.... jd la ank yg tebaik tok mak n yah tau.... ingt pesan kau nie

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


about love!!!!!
uuuuu... mkin ari bored and ......... he make me mad.... ase mkin gile kowt.... huhuhu.... ase cam retak menanti bleh jer.... tah la..
my ari tok die lg kowt.... mood........ngee.....

about member!!!!!
makin rapat.... aku da mule ikt rentak downg,,, tp tah la.... aku kne kuang kan ckt nie.. klu x??? hanyut la aku kan.....

about study!!!!!!
cam bese,,, tp lebih malas dri dulu asal la aku nie..
2 la... cam x nk plk dpt cam sem sblom nie.. per la ar aku ni/...... pening2